Wuxly Movement Wants You To Live Warm This Winter - Earn Credit Towards Our Premium Animal-Free Parka Jacket!

At Wuxly Movement we are all about the #LiveWarm motto. It is more than a marketing hashtag, it is a way of life! Our goal is to deliver products that allow you to Live Warm in the coldest conditions with our vegan winter jackets. Don’t miss out on winter activities ever again - get out there and skate, ski, jog, snowboard, play in the snow with your dog, have a snowball fight! We want to help you take back winter and enjoy it:)

(Photo: Alexandre Paskanoi @paskanoi)
Not only do we want to keep you warm in our stylish winter jackets - but we want to give you that warm feeling inside knowing that you are part of a movement. This movement is about inclusion, fair labour, sustainability, animal protection, active living!
Are you ready to #LiveWarm and be part of the Wuxly Movement? Yeah you are!
Do you have a fur-trimmed or down-filled jacket? Time to trade it up!
Wuxly Movement is proud to offer the LIVE WARM Trade Up Program. What is the trade up program you ask? It is an opportunity for individuals to trade in their fur-trim, or down-filled jackets in exchange for a credit towards one of our premium, Canadian made, animal-free parkas! Check out our FAQ page here to learn more.
We have teamed up with homeless shelters across Canada and will donate your traded in jacket to help those in need #LiveWarm this winter! Additionally, fur collected from jackets will be donated to animal sanctuaries to be used in the rehabilitation of wildlife.
This holiday season, trade-up your jacket - help the homeless - help animals - give yourself the gift of a beautiful new animal-free parka!

(Photo: Pim Leijen)
Written by Lucas Solowey, Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator at Wuxly Movement